Safety of the private electricity storage

Previously, cars had nothing to do with electric grids. However, with the development of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.), the situation began to change. We gradually started to integrate ordinary personal cars into the energy sector. A new era has begun – hybrid or even fully electric cars have appeared. Such cars, for example, allow us to provide our electric grids with a load at night (people charge their electric vehicles at night), providing a more even daily graph of load on electric networks. The alignment of the graph, in turn, is good for wind energy, because the wind blows not only during the day, but at night. It may even be said that grid companies, under plausible pretexts, refused to build renewable energy storage facilities at their own expense, and shifted this task to ordinary people who buy electric cars with batteries that are capable of storing tens of kWh of electric energy (generated mainly at night). However, my post is not about that.

The photo shows car with a broken window. This situation is quite likely in a number of countries in southern Europe. The routine of a car owner. And it doesn’t matter if you left something in the back seat or not – there is still a risk that they will break into and checked your car, trying to find at least something. In some places on the streets there are warning signs “do not leave anything in the car.” Also, if you look closely, some locals even leave the car windows ajar – this is done specifically to make it easier for a thief to get into the car, and at least he will not break the glass, which costs from 100 to 500 euros to replace.

My thoughts:
1️⃣ Maybe companies that have learned how to make cars and even electric cars will be able to find an opportunity to equip cars with simple video cameras that will turn on and transmit data to the internet every time when the thieves break in or even approach the car? This would cool the thieves’ ardor. Tesla has such cameras. Is this a problem for other companies?
2️⃣ As a joke: If the private car is now integrated into the electrical network, then it can be considered part of an electrical installation. In this case, maybe new signs like “Authorized personnel only” or “Get out of my switchgear” should be added to the traffic rules?