A little bit about cable clamps (cleats)

If the cable is laid not in the ground, but on some structures, then it usually needs to be fixed. This is necessary, for example, so that during the passage of short-circuit currents through the cable, the forces that arise do not move the cable from place to place. A huge number of different versions of these clamps are known.
1️⃣ Clamps differ in the number of cables. There are clamps for attaching one cable or clamps for attaching three cables at once.
2️⃣ Clamps differ in material. There are clamps made of non-magnetic steel, there are aluminum, there are plastics.
3️⃣ Clamps differ in mechanical strength. Some are able to withstand the forces that arise when only small short-circuit currents flow through the cables, and there are those that are able to hold the cables in place even with short-circuit currents up to 63-80 kA.
4️⃣ However, now I would like to draw attention to the fact that the clamps also differ in the installation location. There are clamps that are installed on cables in horizontal sections, and there are clamps for vertical sections. The requirements for clamps on vertical sections are slightly different.

The fact is that such clamps should prevent the cable from sliding down under the influence of the weight of the cable. If you do not keep the cable from slipping in the clamp, then dangerous forces will occur at the point where the cable is connected to the cable termination, and the termination may be damaged. Therefore, it is important that the clamps on the vertical sections still keep the cable from moving vertically. The best option is to provide such clamps with special silicone inserts.

The photo shows two options for clamps on vertical sections:
✅ a bad solution on the left, since the cable can move in a vertical direction;
✅ a good solution on the right, because due to the silicone insert (in this case it has orange colour), it is difficult for the cable to move vertically and create dangerous effects on the cable termination.

Silicone inserts are very necessary in vertical sections. Don’t forget to use them.