Hard copy of the book

Distribution of the hard copy of the book “High Voltage Cable Lines” begins in January 2025.

Pay online, and the book will be sent by airmail

  • Pay online (135 euros, which includes the book and its delivery).
  • You will immediately receive a confirmation from Stripe.com by email, as well as an invoice.
  • Within 3-7 days, you will receive an email with a parcel tracking number.
  • Within 15-20 days, you will receive a parcel with the book and documents.

Discount for those who previously bought a PDF

If you live in Europe or North/South America, and you have already purchased the electronic PDF version of the book, then you can get a hard copy of the book with a discount, for the price of 100 euros (which includes the book and its delivery). Please contact me so that I can send you the appropriate payment link by Stripe.com platform.

To contact me, please use the following:
✅ Email info@voltplace.com
✅ My personal Linkedin page
✅ The book’s Linkedin group which has more than 5,000 members