Various energy topics / 21.12.2024

Green future

I don’t have an electric car. But I try to keep an eye on the difficulties their customers face. Some of these difficulties are completely unexpected.✅Charging points are stained with birds, and they are unpleasant to use, especially near the ocean or river, where there are a lot of seagulls.✅Charging points sometimes don’t have cables

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Various energy topics / 19.12.2024

Cable industry people

Sometimes it seems to me that the world has gone crazy. At such moments, I think – God, thank you that I have my specialty “power cables”, which on the one hand allows me to distract myself from sad thoughts, and on the other hand to do something really necessary and useful for society. Apparently,

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Cable lines in ducts / 17.12.2024

Cable duct with ribs

Cable lines (1 kV and above) are often laid in polymer pipes. In some countries, cable pipes are also referred to as ducts or conduits. These pipes/ducts/conduits allow to:✅Protect the cable from the mechanical damage.✅Protect the cable from the environment.✅Reduce the requirements for the quality of trench bottom preparation.✅Speed up cable pulling and its subsequent

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Cable lines / 12.12.2024

Sheath voltage limiter (SVL) selection

Sometimes it is necessary to have several cables for each phase. For example, this happens when an overhead line (OHL) and a cable line are connected in series (see photos). Or it happens when we connect a transformer of a great power to the busbars (or consumers) using a cable line. Cable connections of overhead

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Cable lines / 29.11.2024

Cable overheating

Single-core cables of medium voltage 6-35 kV often have simple grounding of the screens on both sides (“solid bonding”). As a result, the cable screens form closed contours, and the magnetic field of the core current induces currents in these contours, that is screen currents. Induced currents (Is) in the screens pass through the screens

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Cable lines / 20.11.2024

Cable line reactive power

AC 50 Hz cable lines are often referred to as reactive power sources. In idle (no-load) operating mode, any cable line by its capacitance generates reactive power, which creates difficulties:✅ for a network that is forced to consume reactive power;✅ for a cable that is heated by idle currents, especially at the beginning of the

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Cable lines / 14.11.2024

Unsuccessful cable project 110 kV

Very often we see posts where designers and installers share beautiful photos of successfully completed projects. However, then, quietly, in private correspondence, the exploiting organizations share other photos and accompany them with words “What should we do with this?” or “How do we fix this”? In short, many “successful” projects turn out to be “UNsuccessful”

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Cable lines / 01.11.2024

Three-core cable with sector-shape cores

Previously, oil-soaked paper was used as insulation for medium-voltage cables of 6-20 kV classes. At the same time, there were two core designs – round-shape or sector-shape. The advantages of cables with sector cores (Design 1) are shown on the slide. Currently, cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) is mainly used as cable insulation. Of course, the question

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Cable lines / 17.10.2024

Cable adapter position

We know that one of the advantages of cables with solid insulation (XLPE, EPR, PVC) is that these cables have no restrictions on the height difference of the route. We can lay such cables horizontally, vertically, at an angle. Any cable arrangement is allowed, as long as the cable bending radius is not violated and

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Cable lines / 07.10.2024

Three cables arrangement

In 6-35 kV networks, single-core cables are most often arranged in a closed triangle (1), and cable screens have a small cross-section of up to 50 mm2 and a simple solid grounding. Let us figure out what happens if the cables, contrary to the project, are laid not in a closed triangle, but otherwise. Three

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