Cable pipes from plastic garbage

In recent years, the laying of high-voltage cable lines is often carried out in polymer pipes. Such pipes are laid either at the bottom of the trench or are dragged into the ground into channels prepared by horizontal directional drilling (HDD).

Laying of cable lines in pipes provides mechanical protection of cables, minimizes open excavation during laying and re-laying (replacement) of cables, which is important in conditions of dense urban development. In order for the pipes to perform their functions, they must be of good quality, able to keep the pressure of the ground and transport at high temperatures of XLPE-insulated cables (up to 90 degrees in normal operation mode).

The photo shows an example when 10 kV cables were laid in cheap pipes that were fully made of recycled materials (plastic garbage). Such pipes, of course, were not able to withstand the pressure of the ground and simply stuck together with the cables laid in the pipes. The result was a “mass grave” shown in the photo. In this case, there is no hope to repair the necessary cable or replace it with a new one.

What conclusion can be drawn? It is strictly forbidden to lay high-voltage cables in cheap pipes fully made of recycled materials (plastic garbage). Such pipes cannot withstand the pressure of the ground and transport under the conditions of exposure to the temperatures of XLPE-insulated cables.

Construction companies are always trying to save on pipes, but the operating organization should not allow them to do this.