Cable lines / 01.02.2023

Mixed cable and overhead lines

In addition to cable and overhead lines, there are mixed lines when, for various reasons, part of the line route is made as an overhead line, and part as a cable one. At the junctions of cable and air sections, special “transition points” have to be equipped. There are a huge number of transitional point

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Cable lines / 10.01.2023

The core and the screen – which is the main one?

The photo shows the ordinary cable termination of 10 kV, which was overheated due to high currents induced in the screens. We can see traces of excessive heating at the junction of the screen with its grounding wire, caused by significant currents passing there. The quality of the screen and wire connections is a separate

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Cable lines / 01.01.2023

Transition tower on mixed line

On today’s photo there is a nice modern bright transition tower (pylon, support) for mixed cable and overhead line. What can be advised to improve this facility next time? Unfortunately, many details are not so good:✅ Link-boxes for cable screens.✅ Black pipes which protect cables above the ground level.✅ Red corrugated pipes which protect cables

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