Overhead lines and reactors / 21.02.2025

Multifaceted transition pole

There are cable lines, there are overhead lines. However, there are also mixed lines consisting of both cable and overhead sections. On such mixed lines, the question arises as to how best to equip a transition point. There are a lot of issues there:➡️ where to place the set of cable terminations and of which

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Cable lines / 24.01.2025

Universal cable line

We often think that 6-35 kV medium-voltage (MV) networks are simpler than 110-500 kV high-voltage (HV) networks. Of course, this is not the case, and it is in MV networks that many serious problems are concentrated – among them, for example, the selection of the optimal method of neutral grounding as well as the selection

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Cable lines / 25.09.2024

Cable line calculations in case of short circuit

The method of symmetrical components is used to calculate the normal and emergency modes of the electric network. The method represents an any mode (even asymmetric) as a composition of three separate symmetrical ones:✅ Positive sequence “1”.✅ Negative sequence “2”.✅ Zero sequence “0”. To use the method, it is important that the longitudinal impedances Z1,

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Cable lines / 18.07.2024

Cable line with shunt reactor

Usually, AC cable lines are up to 10 km long. However, in some cases the length can reach 50 km or even 100 km. In such cases, the cable line has a significant capacitance, which must be charged and discharged following the sine wave of the alternating voltage of the AC network. This alternating current

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Overhead lines and reactors / 29.01.2024

Breaker vs Reactor (part 2)

The previous post was about the reasons why switching lines with shunt reactors (SR) can cause damage of the line breaker B1. Theoretically, several options can be proposed to solve the problem. Let’s start with controlled switching devices (CS, see scheme). CS can be used only in cases when each phase of the breaker has

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Overhead lines and reactors / 15.01.2024

Breaker vs Reactor (part 1)

The photo shows a 500 kV SF6 circuit breaker (B1), which was damaged during the energizing of the 500 kV overhead line. The cause of the accident was the presence of a 500 kV shunt reactor (SR) on the line, which compensated about 100% of the capacitive reactive power of the line. Let’s look at exactly

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Overhead lines and reactors / 07.12.2023

Line tower plays football

This is an amazing tower of a 110 kV multi-circuit overhead transmission line. It was built in the Kaliningrad region, former USSR. Although I love electric cables and lead a Linkedin group on them, I still have to admit that it is difficult to make something so bright and attractive out of a cable buried

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