Various energy topics / 01.07.2023

How many digits is enough to be fired?

We are absolutely sure of π=3.1415926535 and e=2.7182818284 – we use them in software. However, in our everyday life, we specify only 3 digits (3.14 and 2.72), and this is enough. Rarely we give 5 digits at once (3.1416 and 2.7183). If someone indicates 6 or more, we will consider it beyond reasonable. How do

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Various energy topics / 01.04.2023

Is EMTP our savior or a trojan horse?

Among all the programs for modeling processes in electrical networks, one of the most common is EMTP (ATP, ATP-EMTP). A huge amount of research is carried out using EMTP, and this is clearly seen by the number of mentions of EMTP in various publications. Such success of the EMTP became possible due to the fact

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