Distribution of the hard copy of the book “High Voltage Cable Lines” begins in January 2025.
Pay online, and the book will be sent by airmail
- Pay online (135 euros, which includes the book and its delivery).
- You will immediately receive a confirmation from Stripe.com by email, as well as an invoice.
- Within 3-7 days, you will receive an email with a parcel tracking number.
- Within 15-20 days, you will receive a parcel with the book and documents.
Discount for those who previously bought a PDF
If you live in Europe or North/South America, and you have already purchased the electronic PDF version of the book, then you can get a hard copy of the book with a discount, for the price of 100 euros (which includes the book and its delivery). Please contact me so that I can send you the appropriate payment link by Stripe.com platform.
To contact me, please use the following:
✅ Email info@voltplace.com
✅ My personal Linkedin page
✅ The book’s Linkedin group which has more than 5,000 members