Short circuit currents in cable networks

There are two main types of power transmission lines – overhead lines and cable lines. Traditionally, in high-voltage networks, the total length of overhead lines exceeded the total length of cable lines. Therefore, some errors in the calculations of impedances of cable lines were not able to lead to serious consequences.

However, gradually, especially with urban development and “green transition”, cable lines are becoming very important. Therefore, it’s time to ask ourselves the question – do we know how to calculate impedances of cable lines? Are we sure that we know the values of short-circuit currents in cable networks correctly?

In our report, briefly, attention is drawn to the fact that due to a misunderstanding of impedances of cable lines, the error in determining short-circuit currents can reach 35%. This is an extremely alarming signal.

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Part 2 of the book is entirely devoted to impedances of cable lines.